SEEDS OF GRACE (Daily Devotional) SUNDAY, 1ST JANUARY 2017. TOPIC: FRESH START SCRIPTURE : This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you -- Exodus 22:2 MEMORY VERSE: Luke 10:27 DIGGING: It is the dawn of a new beginning and a new year. Many start the year with a new year resolution. And for many, every year they make resolutions but seems not to get into the solution. This year to enjoy God and His plans for your life, you must make a resolution to have: 1) GOD CONSCIOUSNESS: The smartest way to start your year is to start with God. Don't run around this year without the consciousness of God in your heart. The implication of this is that you totally will be totally consumed, possessed and swallowed up in God. David's major secret was that he had God's consciousness and was thinking of building a house for God (2Samuel 7). When God saw this desire in him, He sent prophet Nathan unto him and blessed hi...