

 iProphesy February 2023 Edition  With Dr. Joel Dabbas  RECOVERY AND EXISTENCE IN GLORY Psalm 8:1-5; 1st Samuel 4:21-22 God created man and crowned him with glory Glory is the essence of a man Why did God crown man with glory? I. So that your life and existence will be praise worthy. • People should look at you and say praise God II. So that your life will be one of distinction  • Glory upon you was to make your life alien to failure  III. So that your life will be full of splendor  IV. So that your life will be full of majestic beauty • A life that has no business with ugliness  V. So that you live a life if excellence • Magnificent excellence is seen wherever glory is found  One of the greatest attacks on men is the attack on their glory.  Know that God placed something on you that the devil envies and so he will want to attack That is why God must shield you (Psalm 3:3) Some categories of glory: 1. Crowned glory (Psalm 8:5) • There is some...


  THE NORMAL CHRISTIAN LIFE From the Word And Teaching Ministry of Dr. Joel Dabbas  There are many misconception about who a Christian is. Because of this, many have truly aligned to the essence of this lofty description of being a CHRISTIAN. Some think it is just being part of a religious sect who have the cross has their emblem and go to a building atleast once a week to worship today. And by this many live theor lives on the premise of this definition(s). A CHRISTIAN is a person who has been infused with the very life of Christ. It is not a religious affiliation. It is carrying the true nature, culture and tradition of the God here on earth. It is to represent God bodily. The CHRISTIAN Life is a life of passion and desire for God and His true manifestation on earth. A CHRISTIAN seeks this everyday. That is why a Christian does not just talk about God but make bold God expressions everywhere. Out of such flows the life of God. Galatians 2:20 " It is no longer i that li...


  DON'T COMPLAIN  "And blessed is he , whosoever shall not be offended in me." Luke 7:23 KJV Life they say is not a bed of roses; there are phases of the bloom and beauty; and certainly there are phases of the thong. Even Jesus on the way to fulfilling His assignment wore the crown of thongs. Now, for some people when things are not going well they complain. To complain is to express dissatisfaction, pain, uneasiness, censure, resentment, or grief; or to find fault. Complain is to come plain but with a negative tone. God is also touched by our mannerisms. Mannerisms triggers reactions physically and also spiritually. Manner can either trigger manna or sure blessings. Complaining is wrong use of spiritual language and a bad way of communicating with God Complaining is an act of faithlessness and hopelessness. When people loose hope in God and His promises they begin to complain: they find fault in God. Job for instance faced many forms of suffering. He los...


  THE MASKMAN AND THE MASK Excerpt from the teaching ministry of Dr. Joel Dabbas  To shoot from concealment at the innocent; Suddenly they shoot at him, and do not fear. Psalm 64:4 (New Revised Standard Version) American Standard Version That they may shoot in secret places at the perfect: Suddenly do they shoot at him, and fear not. New Living Translation They shoot from ambush at the innocent, attacking suddenly and fearlessly. I want you to understand that life is warfare and not funfair. The fact is that wars exist and primarily the day you became born again, you became a sworn enemy of the devil. So a believers life is not without a fight. But the truth is that in all these things we are more than conqueror. We have excellent victory in and through Jesus our Lord. The revelation of our victory in Christ Jesus puts us in the realm of dominion and great Authority. It pushes us from theoretical dominion to practical dominion. By this I mean coming ...


 THE SIGN  This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Luke 2:12 A sign is a mark that helps you understand and know the code. It helps you to decode It is the mark that helps you to decern "Wrapped in swaddling cloths" Two (2) powerful points to note: 1. Many a time, God's mark is simple and never complex. 2. Signs are wrapped, it will take people with kingdom keys to unwrap it. Access to kingdom mysteries is important for every believer. God reveals Himself to those who have a willingness to believe. One thing that characterizes the religious folks during the time if Jesus was that they were sign crazy. The Lord Jesus said, “A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign” when the Pharisees and Sadducees tempted Him, seeking a sign from Heaven. The truth is they had been given literally every sign in the Book about the birth of the Lord Jesus yet they didn't know. When King Herod wanted to...


FOCUS: RAIN OF ABUNDANCE. SCRIPTURAL FOCUS: 1 King 18:41, Zechariah 10:1, Joel 2:23-24 When Elijah prophesied that there is a sound of abundance, everything didn't look like it physically but His ears in the spirit heard it and He voiced it into physical manifestation by the voice of faith. And today we also have same spirit of faith and same ears of the spirit we hear and proclaim there is a sound of abundance in the atmosphere of 2022 for us. Biblically, “rain” symbolizes • Goodness of God • Blessing • Word of God; and • The Holy Spirit What does abundance of rain mean? It means existing in plentiful supply. It means that scarcity, emptiness, and lack is broken Existing in a realm where resources is larger than the need It is Existing in a realm where the neck of worry for supply is broken The sound of “Abundance of rain” meant the curse is over, blessing is pouring in again!  Hear me just as i hear God, there is a sound of abundance of rain for you,...


  FOCUS: RAIN OF REVIVAL TEXT: Zechariah 10:1, Joel 2:23-24 Let me attempt to define revival in two plains The first plain as to do with God. On this ground I will define revival as God's hand, person and presence been revealed amongst men. It is God visiting men. So revival then is such a display of God’s holiness and power that often human personalities are overshadowed and human programs abandoned. It is God breaking into the consciousness of men in majesty and glory. The second plain has to do with us (you and i) which is the most important. Because we are God's vehicles that drives anything God wants to do in this generation. So whatever our state is will reflect or enable the physical revelation of divine process and manifestations in and around the world. So Revival means to live again, to receive again a life which has almost expired; to rekindle into a flame the vital spark which was nearly extinguished. So revival is you coming back to the reality of the life and fire...