TEXT: Zechariah 10:1, Joel 2:23-24

Let me attempt to define revival in two plains

The first plain as to do with God. On this ground I will define revival as God's hand, person and presence been revealed amongst men.

It is God visiting men. So revival then is such a display of God’s holiness and power that often human personalities are overshadowed and human programs abandoned. It is God breaking into the consciousness of men in majesty and glory.

The second plain has to do with us (you and i) which is the most important. Because we are God's vehicles that drives anything God wants to do in this generation.

So whatever our state is will reflect or enable the physical revelation of divine process and manifestations in and around the world.

So Revival means to live again, to receive again a life which has almost expired; to rekindle into a flame the vital spark which was nearly extinguished.

So revival is you coming back to the reality of the life and fire of God.

It is when you exist in the realm of true spiritual fire.

When your spirit man is energized, reactivated and put on fire again by the Spirit of God.

It is the Will of God for the world to experience the massive move of God. In Joel 2:25-28, God promised a revival that will happen at the end of time. God will cause a re-awakening in the church that will turn the hearts of people to Him before the end of the age.

But as God as this promise is, there are conditions that will trigger it into reality. And I believe that the year 2022 is a year where nations, people and churches will experience spiritual flooding by God's Spirit.

The Lord is in a hurry to pour Himself upon sons, daughters, fathers and mothers again.

I see that the floodgates of heaven is opened over territories and on persons. 


1. There will be burning fire on the persons spiritual altar 

2. There will be continued maintenance of spiritual intensity, vibrancy and buoyancy

3. There will be no spiritual dryness and staleness

4. There will be spiritual freshness and newness: your spirit remains irrigated by God

5. There will be sustained spiritual momentum, drive and enthusiasm

6. There will be spiritually awareness, awakening and live

7. There will spiritual impact so you remain relevant in God's agenda and programs always: that means a revived person remains usable by God all the time


1. Be broken and remain brokenness (Hos. 10:12; John 6:11-12; Mark 14:3; John 12:3; Gen. 7:11; 1Cor. 26-29)

Brokenness is being free of pride, even spiritual pride; it is key to maintaining revival

Brokenness before God is the secret of usefulness with God

It takes brokenness to have the fragrance of the Master around your life (Mk. 14:3)

Openness from Heaven comes in response to brokenness from the earth

God uses humble people to achieve His purpose on the earth

God wants to bring you to the point where you cannot boast so that you can be used mightily by Him for His glory

2. Sustained perpetual hunger (hunger for God and for His realities around yourlife) (Matt. 5:6; Ps. 63:1-2; 2Kings 4:3-4)

We run out of revival when we run out of hunger

We run out of fire when we run out of desire

Never get to the point where you are overfamiliar with God; remain a stranger with Him. Never get to the point where you are satisfied with what you have achieved with God

Until you see Jesus Face to face there is still a phase, a realm a level, there is still something He wants to do with your life

3. Pray without ceasing (1Thess. 5:13; Eph. 6:18; John 7:37-39)

Pray without ceasing means pray like you breathe

When prayer fire goes down, spiritual life goes down, revival fire goes down

Your spiritual life is literally irrigated by your prayer life, especially prayer in the Spirit (John 7:37-39)

Every time prayer begins to decay, spiritual life begins to dry up

4. Maintain the consecrational fast (Isa. 40:29-31; 2Cor. 11:27)

Waiting on the Lord is a spiritual strength and spiritual fire renewal exercise

5. Maintain a daily intake of the Word (Matt. 4:4; Luke 4:4)

As we live by food in the physical, we also live by food in the spiritual – Rhema, light and insight

6. Maintain righteousness (Hos. 10:12)

Don’t live in sin; don’t sleep with unconfessed sin, it hardens your conscience

When you maintain the tenderness of conscience, you cannot be comfortable with the wrong thing, and when you maintain such an atmosphere, your revival is continuous

7. Connect with positive influence and inspiration (Prov. 27:17; Acts 4:13)

Let there be somebody who challenges your spirituality positively

We need to hear of things that others have experienced with God that will push us into depths with God

Who is your closest friend? Whose voice do you listen to?

The influence around you and the inspiration of your life determines the revival you will see. Beware who speaks into your ears.

Say Lord, never again will I be moribund,lifeless and dry in the spirit. 

My spirit is irrigated by the life from Your Spirit 

I am consistently and continously on fire for the Father till He returns in Jesus Name 


1- Father, thank You Lord for Your faithfulness and goodness. Thank You for strength to wait upon You. Be glorified in Jesus Name.

2- Father, thank You for the Blood of Jesus that grants me access and causes me to have audience in the throne room of God.

3- Thank You Lord for the gift of the Holy Spirit who helps me to pray as i ought to pray. To You be all the glory, Lord in Jesus’ Name 

4- Every stranger or foreign body in me and around me that quenches the fire of God, I command you out of me now in Jesus Name 

5- Let the flame of the Holy Spirit blaze upon the altar of my heart, in the name of Jesus.

6- Lord, I obtain grace to submit to every training and equipping that will transform me into a mighty and effective vessel for your glory in these end-times.

7- Lord, stir up in me a genuine love and passion for You and the advancement of the kingdom

8- Lord, revive and set me on fire for You and Your kingdom

9- Father, let your kingdom come and let be made manifest in my life

10- I receive grace for sustained and dieless hunger for Your presence. 

11- Thou spirit of lukwarmness, prayelessness, wordlessness, givinglessness and laziness, die by fire now in Jesus Name.

12- My Father, i ask that You rend the heavens and give this nation a visitation and spiritual awakening like we have never had before. Rend the heavens oh Lord that the mountains might flow down at Your Presence in 2022 in Jesus Name. Isaiah 64:1-4

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