iProphesy February 2023 Edition 

With Dr. Joel Dabbas 


Psalm 8:1-5; 1st Samuel 4:21-22

God created man and crowned him with glory

Glory is the essence of a man

Why did God crown man with glory?

I. So that your life and existence will be praise worthy.

• People should look at you and say praise God

II. So that your life will be one of distinction 

• Glory upon you was to make your life alien to failure 

III. So that your life will be full of splendor 

IV. So that your life will be full of majestic beauty

• A life that has no business with ugliness 

V. So that you live a life if excellence

• Magnificent excellence is seen wherever glory is found 

One of the greatest attacks on men is the attack on their glory. 

Know that God placed something on you that the devil envies and so he will want to attack

That is why God must shield you (Psalm 3:3)

Some categories of glory:

1. Crowned glory (Psalm 8:5)

• There is something on your head and destiny called glory 

That is why you must not be careless with your life 

2. Inherited glory (Proverbs 3:35)

• This glory that can be impacted upon a person 

3. Spoilt glory (Zechariah 11:3)

• Pride can spoil a persons glory

• A lifestyle alien to Gods kingdom puts your glory at risk

4. Countenance glory (2 Corinthians 3:7)

• Your appearance can carry glory

• There are people when they appear, their Countenance carries shame, carries dislike, carries dishonor, carries a mark that allows men to dispise them.

Prophetic Decree: From Zion today, your Countenance is carrying Glory in Jesus Name 

5. Departed Glory (1 Samuel 4:21-22)

• There are many whose glory has departed or left them, that is why their life is ordinary and empty. 

6. Celestial glory (1st Corinthians 15:14).

7. Terrestrial glory (1st Corinthians 15:14)

Glory is God's endorsement on your life to help you life a life free of shame

Wherever glory is in existence honour will be present 

How to recover and exist in glory:

1. The presence of God (1 Samuel 4:21-22

2. Solid relationship with God (Psalm 8:5)

3. Prayer (Psalm 57:11)

4. Sinless existence (Romans 3:23)

Prayer points

1. Thank You Lord for gifting me the month of February 2023. To You alone be all the glory in Jesus Name 

2. My Father by the blood of Jesus restore my glory in Jesus Name 

3. Awake my glory now (Psalm 57:11)

4. Anywhere my glory is trapped come out now

5. Any attack on my glory, in the name of Jesus I am delievered 

6. Anyone using my glory and making me exist in the shadow of myself I curse you now and take back my glory

7. From today, I refuse existence in shame in Jesus Name 

8. Father lift my hearts up and let my glory manifest 

9. O Lord, I prophesy by Your Spirit that February 2023 is opening new frontliners of supernatural favour, open doors and goodness to me

10. I refuse negative events this month

11. O Lord, concerning Nigerias' election in the 25th on February 2023. I decree darkness will not overcome darkness 

12. Anyone who thinks their influence, power and money will make them win. O Lord of heavens army put them to shame

13. Give the electorate wisdom and a directed heart to vote Your will in this election 

14. We refuse rioting and killings in Nigeria in the month of February in Jesus Name

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