SCRIPTURAL FOCUS: Deuteronomy 4:6-7

A nation is a defined territory.

A nation has its defined political, economical and social system.

Scripturally, nations were set on certain lines:

Genesis 10:5 KJV says that
"By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations."

Also, Genesis 10:20 KJV says that
"These are the sons of Ham, after their families, after their tongues, in their countries, and in their nations."

So nations were set up in terms of:

1. Tongues: This refers to language. By extension tradition and culture.
This simply can be said that geographically defined territories with people of similar culture and tradition.
Culture is a pattern of life of the people. Why God rejected certain nations in Scripture was because of there way of life. Especially those given to idolatry and serial perversion. 

Now, culture shows what sought of spiritual force is at work in a territory.

When you get into certain geographical areas you can know what power is working there. For instance, there are nations you get into and straight away you see prostitution, injustice, corruption and so on everywhere. This shows the spiritual laws that have been established there; that the people follow whether they know it or not.

2. Families and genealogy: Nations are set up because of their common ancestry and background.
Ancestral roots are common ways nations are also been set.
Most nations sprung up from similar ancestry.
For instance most nations in the Middle East are all Arabs.
Nations that makes up the United Kingdom are English.

These common root could also come from colonization. Nations colonized by the UK are called Common Wealth Nations.

Beyond this i want you to note that a nation could be for you, your place of birth, your place of residence, your place of calling or assignment (there are people sent into nations by God with a specific assignment).
So understand that:

1. God is interested in nations and people. His most priced asset on earth today is the souls of men. Whether the person is Arab. English, Swahili, Igala, Japanese, Yoruba and so on. No matter the political domain, God's interest is to have His men and women everywhere.

2. Your blessing is in your nation and in nations (Genesis 26:1-15)

3. There is an assignment for you in your nation (Isaiah 62:6)

For some of us it might be a political assignment
For another it could be an economic assignment
It could be a social assignment or a spiritual assignment. Know that God wants to establish His government in your place.
You are the one that will help fulfill the prophesy of Jesus in Isaiah 9:7 KJV
"Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this."
We are the generation that will increase the influence of God’s government in our nations.
God raised us there not to be ordinary or common citizens but to be people who will bring His light and life into that nation. Shout Hallelujah!!

I prophesy that in your nation the increase of God's government won't have an end in Jesus Name.


1. Father ,I thank You for all you do for me and the grace to wait upon You these three (3) days. To You Lord be all the glory in Jesus Name.

2. Lord, I come before the throne of Grace, I gain access through the blood of Jesus and by this my life is purified and my voice receives acceptance in the throne room of God in Jesus Name 

3. Father, thank You for helping this nation. Be glorified in Jesus Name 

4. I prophesy that I will eat the good of this land in Jesus Name (Isaiah 1:19)

5. I decree that anyone that in the political space enforcing anti-kingdom laws, we pull them down now in JesusName(Daniel 6:10-11)

6. O Lord, let Your government increase in this nation in Jesus Name 

7. I decree and declare that the economic climate of this nation in 2022 will be to my favour and the favour of Your Church in Jesus Name 

8. O Lord, let the light of salvation shine upon this nation in Jesus Name 

9. I decree and declare that the hold of witchcraft on this nation is broken in Jesus Name 

10. Lord, raise Your men and women in large numbers in this nation 

11. I decree and declare that doors are opening for me in this nation

12. I decree and declare that healing arises in this nation. Strange ailments are flushed out in Jesus Name 

13. Every demonic altar set up, to pull down God's children in this nation. I curse them and it won't work again in Jesus Name 

14. Anyone in this nation interested in the blood of innocent people i crushed them out of existence in Jesus Name 

15. 2022 is a blessed year for my nation in every sense in Jesus Name 

16. Revive the church in this nation in Jesus Name 

17. Thank You Lord for answers to my prayers in Jesus Name

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  1. Powerful. Amen .Thanks Pastor for your teaching. I really appreciate it.
