Why Celebrate Christmas?

Why Celebrate Christmas?

Christology—the study and knowledge of Jesus Christ—marks the beginning of a change that transcends time. While there are those who question the celebration of Christmas, citing various reasons to discourage its observance, these historical arguments may be interesting but ultimately miss the point. If you follow this discussion to its conclusion, you will understand, affirm, and further confirm why Christmas should be celebrated.

Celebrations that are not Christmas:

• Celebrating Christmas without focusing on the reason for the season—Jesus Christ, our Lord—is an abuse of heaven and the work of salvation.

• The purpose of celebrating Christmas is not merely for merrymaking or indulgence. Any celebration that does not align with the life of Jesus is ungodly.

• A celebration that does not honor Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on Calvary is not truly Christmas.

• Any celebration that promotes immorality, idolatry, or wickedness is not Christmas.

• A celebration that gratifies the flesh is not Christmas.

• Any celebration that does not lead people to welcome Jesus into their hearts is not Christmas.

Why Should Christmas Be Celebrated?

I. A Miracle Too Massive Not to Be Celebrated

The birth of Jesus is the greatest miracle ever witnessed by humanity, spanning time and eternity.

Isaiah 7:14 (KJV):

"Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel."

If you reflect on this Scripture, you might grasp the real miracle. The true miracle lies in the name "Immanuel," which means "God with us." What an incredible miracle it is to have God's tangible presence in us and around us! Ancient people longed for this moment; they yearned for it until their deaths. The birth of Jesus was an event, but its effects are eternal.

The Birth of Jesus Opened Us to the Supernatural

The miraculous conception of Jesus opened a portal to the supernatural, allowing us to experience divine possibilities in God. We can believe for great things and witness even greater miracles.

II. Because of Salvation

The miracle of Christ's birth goes beyond the supernatural pregnancy of the Virgin Mary. It signifies the miracle of change and salvation.

Matthew 1:21 (KJV):

"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins."

Do you truly understand what sin has done to humanity? If you ever ask the Lord to reveal the devastating effects of sin on man, you will fully appreciate what Christ's birth has accomplished for us. Salvation cannot be understood through scientific, psychological, or traditional analysis—it is beyond human comprehension. The simplest way to explain it is with the image of a man who falls overboard in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, struggling for life, sinking deeper into the sea. Just as he is on the brink of death, a rescuer pulls him from the water and miraculously gives him a new life to live.

• Sin annihilated man from his original, God-ordained purpose.

• Sin turned man into an eternal rebel against God's order.

• Sin caused man to fall from his glorious state.

• Sin killed man and robbed him of life.

• Sin placed man under the control of Satan.

• Sin empowered the devil's ministry to steal, kill, and destroy.

But the birth of Jesus marked the arrival of salvation. This miracle was completed once and for all, and to this day, anyone lost in sin can find refuge in His eternal well of salvation and be saved. It is a miracle that continues to give until the end of time.

III. Because of Jesus

Whenever we have the opportunity to proclaim His name and celebrate His praise, we should do so with joy. Christmas is about celebrating Christ Jesus. Seek out meaningful and impactful ways to spread the joy of salvation to people around the world. Don't let this season be reduced to a mere cultural event—make it a celebration of God's kingdom.

The birth of Jesus caused both angelic beings and people to burst forth in joy.

Luke 2:10 (KJV):

"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people."

Matthew 2:10 (KJV):

"When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy."

May you experience unspeakable joy—joy that is indescribable and unfathomable—this season and beyond, in Jesus' name.

Written By Dr. Joel Dabbas 

Passionate about the kingdom and revival. Desires to see men on fire for Jesus. Anointed by God with the teaching and healing grace he passionately carries as he ministers everywhere the Lord leads him to.

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