The Birth, the Rise, and the Uprising that Followed

 The Birth, the Rise, and the Uprising that Followed

(The Teaching Ministry of Dr. Joel Dabbas)


“And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. For with God nothing shall be impossible.”

—Luke 1:35-37 (KJV)

In this message, I want to highlight some key things that the birth of Jesus stirred in the world.

The Birth of Jesus Stirred:

I. The Rise of Great Men

Because Jesus was to be born, there was a necessity for the birth of a man named John.

Who was John?

John was not just a forerunner of Jesus; he was a great man in his own right. Jesus, in defining who John was, said: “Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”

(Matthew 11:11 KJV).

I believe that in this season, there are many "Johns" being birthed into the Kingdom—men and women whose voices will send shockwaves into the camp of the enemy, into politics, and every sphere of life. John was, above all, a kingdom voice.

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus this Christmas, we are also witnessing the rise of great people, and you are a part of it.

II. The Rise of Wise Men

The birth of Jesus also stirred the rise of wise men.

Wisdom is the ability to discern what is true, right, and lasting. The opposite of wisdom is foolishness, which is marked by a lack of discernment. Eve was deceived because she lacked discernment.

Characteristics of These Wise Men:

A. Embracing a Lifelong Journey of Learning and Growth

The wise men were open to learning about Jesus without hesitation or doubt. It takes a childlike heart to truly know God.

B. Having a Thirst for Exploration

The wise men exhibited a deep hunger and thirst for discovery. Their journey from the East to find Jesus required great commitment. A wise person has an insatiable desire to seek Jesus.

C. Obeying Divine Instruction

The wise men embarked on their journey because God instructed them to do so. When King Herod asked them to return and reveal the location of the newborn King, they chose to obey God rather than man, returning by another route. This is a powerful example of kingdom wisdom—obedience to God, no matter the cost.

III. The Quaking of Wicked Kings and Rulers

The birth of Jesus also caused a stir in the kingdom of darkness. King Herod was the first to rise in opposition, and in his attempt to destroy Jesus, he enacted the ministry of the devil—killing and destroying innocent infants, bringing sorrow and devastation to families.

Beloved, the reason all hell is unleashed and wickedness increases is that the enemy seeks to terrify people into abandoning God and forsaking Jesus.

But there is a rise of true kingdom men and women—those who are wise enough, anointed enough, and bold enough to raise God’s banner high, no matter the cost. Glory to God!


The birth of Jesus sparked a profound chain of events—ushering in the rise of great men and women, wise in the ways of God, and causing the forces of darkness to tremble. As we celebrate Christmas, let us recognize the stirring that this event continues to cause in our lives and in the world. Let us also rise, as wise and anointed kingdom people, to fulfill the purpose for which we were born.

About Dr. Joel Dabbas 

Passionate about the kingdom and revival. Desires to see men on fire for Jesus. Anointed by God with the teaching and healing grace he passionately carries as he ministers everywhere the Lord leads him to.

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