Honour has a rule of engagement: "Honour is only given unto whom honour is dew." (Rom 13:7) That is to say that honour should be given to those who deserve it.
One of the persons amongst others in your life that deserve to be honoured is your wife.
1 Peter 3:7 says "In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God's gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered" (NLT).
You see that honour was demanded from the husband. This is because man in his natural state is egocentric and will never put down his crown for a woman. God by this is bringing humility into the union. A man that is not humble is not broken and love does not flow in the atmosphere of pride.
"God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble." (James 4:6). God has no dealings with a proud man. Let me reinterate it: God has no transaction with a proud man. Hence a husband with pathologic ego, self esteem or pride will experience resistance from God. If a husband honours his wife it flows back to back. Because honour flows back to people who gives honour. By so doing you will not be seeking to honoured by your wife, you naturally will get it back.
Points to note from our anchor text:
1. Treat your wife with understanding:
A failure is a product of wrong understanding. It is a product of little or no understanding. Many marital unions today is failing because the man have not stepped up. Step out of that traditional mindset. Step out of those information that is toxic to marriage. Step into a new attitude character and personality through which love flows cheaply and freely.
Understanding is a product of proper study and insight. If you don't understand your wife, you will dishonour her.
2. Your wife is a seed of grace: One thing you must appreciate is that apart from been husbands and wives, you have another bond in God through grace. You two are citizens of the kingdom of God and heirs of salvation. So you don't relate based on the constitution of men but of God. In God's kingdom God values and cheerishes us, we must do same to our spouses.
1. Honour is not demanded, honour is earned.
2. Honour is to be engaged
3. Honour shows or proofs value
4. Honour flows in te direction it is willingly expressed
5. Honour discolours familiarity and boosts rarity :It means that if honour makes your wife a rare asset to you and not one cheap entity.
1. Love expresses itself anywhere honour is resident
2. Honour is what gives value to love
3. Honour and humility flows together, and where humility is genuinely present grace is present. Since grace is uncommon ability Sotherefore grace will give you will give you ability to uncommonly love your spouse.