TREASURES OF GRACE (DAILY DEVOTIONAL) WENESDAY, 9TH JULY 2017 TOPIC: LOVE UNDER ATTACK SCRIPTURE: And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax gold | Matthew 24:12 MEMORY VERSE: 1 John 4:7 DIGGING DEEP : However great sin is, Gods love is stronger. However strong the power of sin is, the power of Gods love is stronger. Iniquity does not threaten God's love for man, sin can not incapacitate or end God's love. Because Gods love is constant and instant. God loves a sinner but only dislikes what he does. But sin in man will incapacitate man and kill the spirit of man from responding to the love of God. Sin blinds the eyes of men from seeing and accepting the love of the Father. Love will continually exist in a potential state until it is been reciprocated by responding in accepting it. The power of God's love can never be experienced until one responds to it. Inability to respond to God's love is missing God's amazingness and grace. The peop...