One of the toughest battles to win is one where the one informing your enemy about you is within your camp. How would you feel if all the attacks you are going through were because God turned you over to the enemy? How would you feel to know that God was using you to prove a point to the adversary that you are truly His man?
Scripture: Job 1:8 KJV
"And the Lord said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?"
God is an all-wise and all-knowing God. In fact, Scripture says that He uses the foolish things to confront the wisest of men. When Jesus died, the devil thought he had won, but even Christ's death was a wise strategy to conquer the enemy.
From our anchor text, God was the one who turned Job in for the devil to attack, but what could be His reason, and what does He want to achieve? Here are four powerful things God achieved by turning Job over to the devil:
1. Demonstrated That There Are People With Integrity Who Love God And Are Hundred Percent For God: By allowing Satan to test Job, God demonstrated Job's integrity and faithfulness to the world. Job's response to the trials and tribulations showed that his faith was genuine and not superficial.
2. To prove Satan's ideology that every man on earth is following Him because of what the Lord does for them. God indeed showed that there are generations in the order of Job who will love Him genuinely.
3. Exposed Satan's Limitations: By giving Satan permission to test Job, God exposed Satan's limitations and weaknesses. Despite his best efforts, Satan was unable to break Job's spirit or cause him to curse God. This demonstrated God's sovereignty and control over all things.
4. Revealed God's Redemption Plan: The story of Job also foreshadows God's redemption plan through Jesus Christ. Just as Job was restored and redeemed after his trials, so too will believers be redeemed and restored through faith in Jesus Christ. This story points to the ultimate victory of God over Satan and the redemption of humanity.
I ask, Lord, that You help me to love and revere You deeply from my heart. I refuse to have superficial faith that dies from every little attack. In Jesus' name.
Insight For Today:
"Deep roots don't die, superficial roots don't last." - Dr. Joel Dabbas
Study More:
- Job 1:1-22
- Romans 8:28
- 1 Peter 1:6-7