Title: "The Divine Burden"
Short story by Dr Joel Dabbas
In a quiet village, Mary found herself in the midst of an extraordinary journey that would forever alter the course of her life. A divine burden, she carried within her womb the promise of something miraculous. Yet, the weight of this revelation wasn't only felt in the swelling of her belly.
Mary bore the silent shame of a tale too fantastical for those tethered to earthly logic. To them, her immaculate conception was a perplexing fairy tale, an enigma that invited whispers of doubt and judgment.
As her belly grew, so did the burden of rejection and scorn. The skeptical eyes and hushed criticisms formed a storm around her, a tempest of humiliation that only intensified with each passing day. She became a parable of faith, a living testament to the unfathomable ways of the divine.
Joseph, her betrothed, faced the internal struggle of a man torn between love and reason. Convinced of her betrayal, he contemplated releasing her from their engagement. In his justified hurt, Mary faced the impending heartbreak of losing the man she loved. Yet, in his wisdom, Joseph became an unexpected ally, embracing the divine plan unfolding before them.
The pain Mary endured was not in vain but a precursor to a greater gain. A poignant reminder that anything worthwhile demands sacrifice. She, in her quiet submission to God's will, became a vessel of divine purpose, proving that the path to something extraordinary often weaves through the fabric of hardship.
As we reflect on Mary's journey on the screen of time, let it be said of us that we too, like her, embraced the sacrifices required to fulfill God's agenda in our lives.