With Joel Dabbas 

SCRIPTURE: Epaphras, who is one of you, A SERVANT of Christ, salutes you, always LABORING FERVENTLY for you in prayers, that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God | Colossians 4:12 

Prayer is a spiritual conduit that helps you to reach into great realities that are farfetched from the ordinary. 
Prayer is a spiritual system for men to do business in the spirit realm (Luke 18:1). 
Prayer is the constituency of the righteous man (James 5:16)
Prayer is the believer's respiratory organ. You can't live without Prayer. If there must be spiritual aliveness, prayer must be active.
Prayer is organic to people who value intimacy and partnership with God. 
Prayer activates and updates the virtues, capacities and abilities if a spiritual man.

Prayer is not the duty of a pastor, nor is it one of the functions in a Church meeting. It is a constant spiritual activity of a believer. The level of consistency in prayer equals your value for God. You can't love God and not pray (talk to Him) daily and always. So true men of prayer are not merely spiritual men but are God lovers.

In our anchor text Apostle Paul reveals a man called Epaphras a true man of prayer. And look at what was said about him: that he "LABORING PRAYER." Laboring suggests the contnuity in his praying. It is not that type of prayer life that is once in a week, once a month or once in a year. Prayer was consistent and continuous. Not an epileptic prayer pattern. 

But why is he praying consistently and continuously like this? It was that the believers in Colossus may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. Wait is this not that type of prayer that one will do just sipping coffee and muttering some words at intervals while even looking over the window? But a genuine spiritual man has no light or heavy prayer point. 
Just for believers to stand perfect and complete in the will of God, Epaphras prayed fervently.
Do you know what fervency is? It means ruggedity, hotness, brutality, violence, and seriousness. Praying with all brutality and all the seriousness you can muster. I am not talking about mindless shouting and jumping here and there without real fire in your bones. I am talking about the prayer that comes from inside out. A kind of prayer that touches you first before touching God. A prayer that you have a deep witness that you really prayed. 
Three things worthy of note in the journal of genuine prayer men:

1. They persistently pray for the revelation of a dimension of God in a place or in a people without retreating back.
They a portals of revival. 

2. They are selfless in prayer: Prayer does not have to be about them or their need. 
I mean what will make a man pray with all seriousness and contnuity like Epaphras did if it isn't for a personal need or for prosperity or for health and so on? That is the mistake many believers do today. For them prayer is about needs. Listen beloved until your desperation becomes about God, He won't fix yours. Because when you seek God first, He can't put you last.

3. Prayer men birth spiritual things: Epaphras was labouring to birth a people who will stand perfect and a people who are complete in all the will of God. This is very powerful. A prayer person births out spiritual realities in the lives of people.

Today become a true and genuine praying man. 

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  1. Thank you so much for the insight on prayer now l know prayer is not all about our need but God first,

  2. Wow! Just reading that scripture is a big blessing, thank you MOG. More grace! The write up is worth the time I spent reading it.

  3. Thankyou verymuch. Lebih bnyak rahmat yang saya dapat ketika saya membaca tukisan ini sangat terberkati
