SCRIPTURE: "Give and it shall be given unto you..." - Matthew 7:7
There are laws that govern life and if you must enjoy and function to your full capacity you must learn to apply these laws.
From the anchor Scripture it is clear that reciving is tied to giving. I call it the giving and recieving cycle. Your giving always unlocks recieving.
Think of it, how many people have given you gifts this year? How many people have you given gifts this year?
Giving is like breathing for anyone to live, you must breathe in and out. In medicine whenever a person can only take in air and not breathe out life is at risk and highly threatened. Life can end when one only take in oxygen and refuse to give out carbondioxide. That is how it is with giving.
Anyone who does not like to give is attacking and reducing capacity to recieve. Life is not for hoarders but for declutterers.
People who carry 'have it all' mentality can never have it. Those who also have 'give me only' mentality and don't like to give out is destroying inflow.
Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days (Ecclesiastes 11:1).
Who to give to:
1. Give unto those in the household of faith.
2. Give to your family.
3. Give to your parents: Ex. 20:12 " Honour your father and your mother..." One way to honour parents is to give to your parents. Giving unto parents is a trigger of blessing (Gen. 27:7).
4. Give to orphans and less previleged: "He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again"(Prov. 19:17).
5. Give to support kingdom projects.
6. Give to your pastor, prophets and those who labour on the word for you: We are in a generation where people do not value Gods servants. People move around with perverted ideas and abuse kingdom principles set by God to establish them. It is mandatory to be a channel of blessing by giving to those who water your spirit with the genuine words of truth (1Cor. 9:11).
1. Givers are rivers of hope, joy and happiness.
2. When you give, you become an extension to other people's lives.
3. Giving makes you an outreach: To touch lives is to give.
4. Giving to Gods children who are in need is giving directly to God (Matt. 25:45).
5. It gives glory to God (Maty. 5:16).
Key note: If you must recieve then give.