TREASURES OF GRACE (DAILY DEVOTIONAL) SATURDAY, 15TH APRIL 2017 TOPIC: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CROSS SCRIPTURE: For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God - 1 Corinthians 1:18
MEMORY VERSE: Romans 5:8
DIGGING DEEP: The cross was the highest display of the foolishness of the devil. The devil thought that It was going to be the end for Jesus but it was the means to fulfilling His Divine assignment.
The cross is a point in life that one is at a crossroad. It is a junction of total confusion and indecision. Here many don't know what to do. Jesus was on the cross to end your crossroad experience.
The cross is vertical and horizontal. This shows two way relationship. Vertical is our relationship with God and the horizontal is our relationship with man. Jesus was hung on it to end the separation between man and God, to bring man back to God again.
The cross was the meeting place between two eternal destinations. Three people were on the cross. One despised Jesus but the other accepted forgiveness and even though he ended his stay on earth in pain, he was transported into eternity with God.
The cross was an epitome of condemnation, it is the mark of Judgement. But Jesus hung on it so that we won't experience it. Scriptures says that "Who can lay a charge against God's elect"(Romans 8:33), and Romans 8:1 says that "There is therefore now no more condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus..." It was deliverance from the guilt of sin, and the Consequence's of sin.
It is the place of mocking: Here they mocked the authenticity of our Lord Jesus. Beloved, there are points you get to that people mock at you and say where is your God. From today, God will arise for you and silence the mouth of your mockers.
The cross was not only a place of punishment but also a place of shame. Jesus was there so that every form of shame in your life should be arrested.
The cross is a point between life and death. I decree that any life threatening condition around you be it medical or any form it may be, it is terminated now, cancer is leaving now, kidney is restored, liver healed, heart condition is corrected now. In the name of Jesus.
The cross was the ultimate price that gave us the ultimate life. It was the highest price that gave us intimacy with God.
On the cross, Christ took all curses for us and linked us into the Abrahamic covenant (Galatians 3:13-14).
Finally, it is a testament to the fact that God loves you and that HE can do anything to display HIS Love to you.
I pray for you any crossroad experience is cancelled now in Jesus' name.
PRAYER: Dear Lord i ask that by the price You paid on the cross anything causing shame in my life is destroyed now in Jesus' name.
QUOTE: God's Mercy Brings An End To Every Mess In Your life - Dr. Dabbas Joel