TREASURES OF GRACE (DAILY DEVOTIONAL) THURSDAY, 20TH APRIL 2017 TOPIC: ELEMENT OF FAITH SCRIPTURE: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen - Hebrews 11:1
MEMORY VERSE: Romans 4:15 DIGGING DEEP: Today we want to look at one key element of faith. Our text reveals that "faith is a substance hoped for." In effect hope is a key element of faith. Any person that has faith is usually full of hope.
You will observe that where ever faithlessness broods hopelessness is established. And hopelessness then births depression, regression, retrogression and so on. I like to reiterate these fact that nothing sparks depression like lack of hope.
Hopelessness is what makes many give up on God and say there's no God. Listen however committed you are to the things of God, if you lack faith, you lack proof.
Hope is the power that keeps our thoughts, expression and identity intact. It is what keeps the inner core at peace despite the external or internal pressures around. Hope is what disallows you to be taken away by the storm however fierce it is. Hope is the tracker to the possibility realm. It is a major attractor of God's help.
Abraham the father of faith was faced with childlessness for hundred years, he was now weak and Sarah's womb was now dead, but in this hopelessness he hoped against hope (Romans 4:18). When hope is alive in you, faith also will be alive. If hope is dead faith also dies.
Faith is a powerful tool that can be used to overcome strange battles. Your faith will win the battle, overturn blockades, scatter oppositions and melt satanic confrontations. It was through faith Abraham dislodged generational poverty trailing his family tree, by faith he destroyed the yoke of untimely death in his bloodline, by faith Abraham pulled Divine promises into earthly realities; by faith he walked out of his lineage, his kindred, and his country to the place where God promised him.
He just refused to give up and become hopeless but held unto God. Beloved, you too can't give up now, the battles might be ranging but your victory is sure. Know this, your worst days are behind you, your best days are up in front of you. God is changing that situation, you will rise above the storm.
PRAYER: O Lord, today forgive me of any appearance of hopelessness in you in Jesus' name. I decree that my faith is gaining momentum and my Spiritual fire is enhanced in Jesus' name.
QUOTE: Hopelessness is proportional to helplessness - Dr. Dabbas Joel