THE NORMAL CHRISTIAN LIFE From the Word And Teaching Ministry of Dr. Joel Dabbas There are many misconception about who a Christian is. Because of this, many have truly aligned to the essence of this lofty description of being a CHRISTIAN. Some think it is just being part of a religious sect who have the cross has their emblem and go to a building atleast once a week to worship today. And by this many live theor lives on the premise of this definition(s). A CHRISTIAN is a person who has been infused with the very life of Christ. It is not a religious affiliation. It is carrying the true nature, culture and tradition of the God here on earth. It is to represent God bodily. The CHRISTIAN Life is a life of passion and desire for God and His true manifestation on earth. A CHRISTIAN seeks this everyday. That is why a Christian does not just talk about God but make bold God expressions everywhere. Out of such flows the life of God. Galatians 2:20 " It is no longer i that li...